Vote for Ben Turner for King of Mask!
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About Ben Turner:
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I am the Lead Pastor of Teaver Road Baptist Church. I have been serving at Teaver Road Baptist Church with my wife and our growing family for seven years. I am also employed at the LaGrange Police Department in a part-time capacity as a Patrol Officer. I have been doing Chaplaincy work for the LaGrange Police Department for five years. I helped establish the mental health initiative at the Police Department. I invest in the officers that make up our local police force to help ensure they are mentally ready to take on the demands of the job. Law Enforcement has remained close to my heart, and I believe plays one of the most important roles in maintaining a civilized society where we can all prosper. I love being able to help people and feel that there is no better life changer than Jesus. When I get to share Jesus with people and watch the change take place in their lives, I feel we are helping people in the most important of ways. I graduated from Leadership Troup class of 2022/23. Through our church, we partner with the First Choice Women’s Center, Long Cane Elementary School, and WellStar West Georgia Hospice and Safe Families.
I am raising funds for Twin Cedars because of how valuable their mission is for our community. The services provided through Twin Cedars allows me as a Pastor and Police Officer to give people in need a connection to services that can help in their time of need. For me, Twin Cedars is one of the most important “next steps” I can point people towards and know they will be taken care of.